If you suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems, or have a "cold" and your nose is all snuffly and stuff, what do you do when you walk through the perfume department of your favourite store and wham, you get a squirt of perfume in your face?
Most people complain. Not to the store management, but among themselves. A lot of people become ill from this squirting. I've known of one woman who actually collapsed right there and then.
But these people within the perfume departments are doing what they're trained to do - to convince you to buy a product. They're sales people!
But look at it from another angle. They're being discriminatory. They're not giving a person the right to say "yes" or "no" to being squirted.
Everyone who is confronted with this sort of thing has the option of saying nothing and accepting the behaviour (and the squirt), or complaining (not only to their friends or to themselves, but to management).
In Australia now, perfume squirting is no longer allowed - whether it be in a perfume store or a shopping mall. (Some stores don't follow this rule though - there's always exceptions and those who think they know better!)
The reason is that so many thousands have respiratory troubles and asthma that being caught with a squirt of perfume can disable them on the spot. Researchers have been looking at the reasons why these numbers have increased over recent years, and yes, perfume squirting sits among the culprits.
Having experienced this behaviour and taking it up with the CEO of as large shopping mall in Melbourne, they quickly instigated immediate policy changes. Now, if you want a squirt you can ask for one! (That's a squirt of perfume not a squirt, as in a person!!
Sometimes it pays to "stand up for yourself".
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