Saturday, June 12, 2010

Personal Trainers - Favourite Gyms

Everyone's talking about Personal Trainers - it seems that you've got to have one to be anybody these days. But who has the spare cash to afford one? Certainly not me.

If you can't afford a Personal Trainer then why don't you do to the local Gym? Aren't you listening? If I can't afford a Personal Trainer then I sure can't afford a programme at the local gym.

Anyway, I tried it once. And it's certainly not for me. Why? Simple. Because I'm a size 16 plus! woman and I felt out of my depth; I was made feel twice my size; I felt I couldn't keep up with the other young slim things; I felt hot, sweaty, out-of-condition and out-of-control and fat, fat, fat. And the instructor certainly didn't help matters - making cutting, rude remarks.

So why is it there aren't local gym facilities available (at affordable costs) at regional and community council levels which will encourage the participation of larger sized people. Everyone is telling us we're not healthy; and yet we're not really made feel welcome at these places even if we gather up enough courage to try them out.

I read in that wonderful American magazine Radiance many years ago, an article by a group of size 16 plus! ladies who actually started up their own group. An important part of this venture was, however, that they got a Gym management on side - they provided the equipment, and more importantly the rooms where they could work out to their heart's content, without worrying about what the other women were going to say. This gym Manager was glad of the opportunity of promoting his gym as a size friendly establishment - very forward thinking.

I'd be very interested to hear of any gyms here in Australia that have an understanding or commitment to helping the size 16 plus! women overcome their inhibitions and to take on personal health-care to another dimension. Any takers?

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