For months now we've been awaiting the arrival of Spring. And on one day - a Sunday, I seem to recall it was actually Father's Day here in Australia, the sun came out shining, and everyone thought Spring has arrived! But no, just when we thought it was with us, it shrank behind a cloud and has been tempting us ever since.
But nature doesn't quite accept the fact that the weather may not do as it's supposed to do, and the gardens are a picture waiting to be photographed. Everywhere the camellias, single, double even triple, pale pastel, bright flambouyant red, are still ruling the gardens. Spring bulbs, daffodils, jonquils, hyacinths, gerberas are blooming their little hearts out, while the exquisitely perfumed freesias are busy trying to overdo themselves. A lovely little climbing clematis has deigned to bloom at my front gate, greeting everyone with it's own particular personal smile.
Even though it's cold (in fact it's quite freezing of an early evening and early morning) the sight of nature doing her own thing, whether it be in the flora or the native bird life around here, does make one feel that there is a "spring in our steps". The heart is lightened, the mind is cleared from the greyness of the winter months, optimism abounds, and plans and goals are set without too much thought. It's all a matter of looking to the future. As Louis Armstrong sang, "What a wonderful world!".
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